Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular!

Things are quiet at the Bevin House this week, so after a couple days of cleaning and catch-up, I took a couple days off to go adventuring.  Yesterday I planned to check out a Corn Maze up in Woodstock, CT, and I hoped to see some nice fall foliage.  Along the way I found this cool covered footbridge...

and some delightful Halloween decorations.

Also this weird/beautiful castle, which you can read more about here.

Unfortunately the fall foliage was kinda patchy, and the Corn Maze was weirdly empty.  So I started heading home, when a commercial came on for the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, RI.  I pulled over to look it up, and thought I'd check it out.  

Spectacular, indeed.  The whole atmosphere was awesome--it was a brisk night, Halloween, cool moon, kids in costume, the smell of funnel cake, fog machines, and the most jack-o-lanterns I've ever seen in my life.

The trail takes you on a loop through the zoo, and each section has a different theme, starting with prehistoric times.  They also play different music and sounds in each part, creating a really cool experience.

This is a random anecdote, but when I was looking at this one (below), which anyone worth knowing will instantly recognize :)  these ladies approached.  One of them said, "oh look, it's the thing from Harry Potter."  "What thing?" her friend asked.  "You know, the fairy queen, her eye."  I almost turned to them and gave them a talking-to, but instead I just shook my head and walked away.  People.

This is one of my favorites, and for some reason made me think of my Dad...

Some more movie classics...

And introducing... THE BEST JACK-O-LANTERN EVER:

Here's a closeup...

In conclusion, Jack-o-Lanterns are awesome, and I seriously need to up my carving game.

1 comment:

Saying Goodbye...

  I am writing this post almost 3 years after I took this picture, of a bouquet my lovely friends in my writing group gave me as a fare...